Kautilya (Pvt.) Industrial Training Institute is governed by Kautilya Educational Society (Regd.) Kautilya Educational Society is registered under Society act 1860 under registration number 3342 on 04-02-2002. Kautilya (Pvt.) Industrial Training Institute was established in year 2008 with a vision to uplift technical education in the rural area to create more and more opportunities for employment. The institute was affiliated to (SCVT) State Council of Vocational Training by Haryana Industrial Training Department for Electrician, Fitter, Welder & COPA trades. Later on in August 2009 the institute was successful to meet the norms for (NCVT) National Council of Vocational Training for the all the mentioned trades wide letter no. DGE&T 6/7/8/2009-TC. Latest Updates Admissions open under Haryana SDI Scheme Latest feedback from students Placement successful for most of the Pass-outs BCC (DOEACC)certification mandatory for all trainees
Here is list of courses that we are offering.